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How do you use a crocodile lighter

05-14 164 My Store

How do you use a crocodile lighter?

A crocodile lighter is typically a butane lighter with a crocodile-shaped exterior. To use a crocodile lighter, you'll need to fill it with butane first. Here are the general steps for using a butane lighter like a crocodile lighter:
1. Locate the fuel valve: This is typically on the bottom of the lighter and will be a small hole with a screw-like valve inside.
2. Prepare the lighter for filling: Before you can add fuel to the lighter, you'll need to turn it upside down and bleed out any remaining fuel or air in the tank. You can do this by using a small tool (such as a paperclip or the end of a small screwdriver) to press the valve inside the fuel valve hole. You may need to do this a few times until you no longer hear hissing or feel any resistance.
3. Attach the butane canister: Once the lighter is empty, you can attach the butane canister to the fuel valve. Make sure the canister is in an upright position and aligned with the valve. Firmly press the two together until you hear a hissing sound, indicating the fuel is flowing into the lighter.
4. Fill the lighter: Hold the canister and lighter together for several seconds to ensure the fuel completely fills the tank. The length of time needed will depend on the size of the lighter and the amount of fuel needed.
5. Remove the canister: Once the lighter is full, remove the canister and use the tool to press the fuel valve one more time to ensure all air is bled out of the system.
6. Light the lighter: Once the lighter is filled with butane, you can use it to light your cigarettes or cigars. To light a crocodile lighter, simply press down on the button or lever that ignites the flame.